Page 12 - April_June 2017
P. 12

Mrs.  Vaishali  A  Shah  &  Dr.  Miteshkumar  Pandya,    Vyas, Project Assistant (LS) were resource persons in
        Scientist-B (LS),   Mr. Vijaykumar Shrimali, STA   (CS),     practical   sessions. 17 participants participated in the

        Mr. Darshan Modi, Project Associate (CS), Ms. Divya S    Workshop.

        Three-day National Workshop on E-Resources Management, INFLIBNET Centre,

        Gandhinagar, 14th -16th June, 2017

        Three-day  Training  Programme  on  E-resources          inaugurated the Workshop. Mr. Dinesh Ranjan Pradhan
        Management  was  organized  at  INFLIBNET  Centre,       extended  a  warm  vote  of  thanks  at  the  end  of  the
        Gandhinagar from 14th to 16th June, 2017. Mr. Ashok      inaugural session. 13 participants from various part of
        Kumar  Rai,  Scientist  D  (CS)  and  Mr.  Dinesh  Ranjan   India attended the programme. Mrs. Roma Asnani, STA
        Pradhan, Scientist B (LS) coordinated the Workshop. Mr   (LS) and Mr. Nipul Shihora, Project Associate (LS) were
        Ashok  Kumar  Rai,  Scientist  D  (CS)  welcomed  the    resource persons during practical sessions. Details of
        participants and gave an overview of the programme.      lectures  delivered  by  experts  during  the  training
        Dr.  Jagdish  Arora,  Director  INFLIBNET  Centre        programme were as follows:

         Topics                                                 Name of the Experts

         Life-cycle of e-Resources, Licensing and Negotiation   Dr. T S Kumbar, Librarian, IIT Gandhinagar
         of e-resources
         Access Management of e-Resources                       Mr. Raja V., Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET Centre
         Comparative study of E-resources                       Mr. Pallab Pradhan, Scientist B(LS), INFLIBNET Centre
         Management Software
         CORAL: Open Source ERM Introduction, Installation,     Mr. Kannan P, Scientist C(LS), INFLIBNET Centre
         Configuration & Backup
         E-resource Search, Discovery Services &                Mr. Dinesh Pradhan, Scientist B(LS), INFLIBNET
         Metadata Management                                    Centre
         CORAL: Resources, Organizations & Licensing Module  Mr. Mitesh Pandya, Scientist B(LS), INFLIBNET Centre
         Understanding License Agreements for Subscription      Mr. Ashok Kumar Rai, Scientist D(CS), INFLIBNET
         of e-Resources                                         Centre
         Economics of e-Resources & Evaluation                  Ms Kruti J Trivedi, Scientist B(LS), INFLIBNET Centre
         CORAL: COUNTER & SUSHI Usage Standards &               Mr. Dinesh Pradhan, Scientist-B(LS), INFLIBNET
         Usage Statistics Module                                Centre

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